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“By the power of the Holy Spirit we will proclaim the Gospel, demonstrate the love of God, and help people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ"


We believe the Bible is true and inspired written Word of God – fully authoritative and sufficient for a person to understand how to please and bring glory to God. Therefore we seek to faithfully interpret, communicate and apply its teachings in our ministries and in our lives.





Office Hours:

 Monday - Friday

 8:00am - 4:00pm


Weekly Schedule


Prayer Meeting 9:15am - Conference Room


Sunday School 10am

Sunday Service 11am




Bible Adventure Club - Kindergarten- 4th Grade


Middle School Youth Group - 5th-8th Grade


Women's Bible Study


Men's Bible Study



High School Youth Group - 9-12th Grade


The Wednesday evening programs are seasonal and change throughout the year.  Contact the church office for more information on a program.

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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