Northfield Christian Fellowship has truly been blessed by its involvement in foreign missions.  We have a long history of not only supporting missionaries financially, but also sending missionaries out from our own fellowship.  We now support several NCF members serving with global missions and in local ministries, and the missions team provides updates on Sunday mornings throughout the year.  NCF also supports some other missionaries with a connection to NCF.  It is exciting to be a part of many different missions and ministries locally and around the world.  We pray God's continued blessing at Northfield as we partner with Him in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.


Mission Statement

NCF Missions Team exists to inspire each believer in this local body, whether here or sent out, to play an active part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.


Our Vision is…

- That every member of the NCF congregation would understand that they have a role to play in the completion the Great Commission, and that they would be encouraged and equipped to fulfill that role.

- That each supported missionary or ministry worker would experience the love and support of the NCF body through prayer and finances, and that they would be well cared for by our church: spiritually, financially, physically, and relationally.

- That the NCF body would have an understanding of the unreached peoples, who and where they are and ways we can help them be reached with the Gospel.

- That we as a team would be directed by the Holy Spirit, faithful in our prayer and correspondence with our missionaries, and that we would represent them well to the congregation.

- Ultimately, that the Great Commission would be fulfilled, that disciples would be made of all people groups, so that every tribe and tongue may worship our Lord.


Missions Committee:

Beth Scheuermann

Anna Klassen

Jenny Bolliger

Becky Porritt

Dale Green

Brenda Baer




411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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