We believe the Bible is the true and inspired written Word of God - fully authoritative and sufficient for a person to understand how to please and bring glory to God. Therefore, we seek to faithfully interpret, communicate, and apply its teachings in our ministries and in our lives.


We have Sunday school classes for all ages every Sunday morning at 10am.


Our current adult Sunday school classes:


The Book of Acts

Don Pflederer - Room 125/126

The book of Acts was written by Luke, the same individual who wrote the Gospel of Luke.  It is a history of the church, providing a link between the life of Christ provided in the four Gospels and the epistles.  Without it we would not know how the churches Paul and others wrote to came into being. While Acts is a book of history, it also contains doctrinal truths that explain the nature of salvation.  We will be doing a verse-by-verse study of this important book.  So, bring your bibles and let's see how God worked in the lives of the early believers to build the church. 


Through the Bible

John Baer - Office Conference Room

Our Through the Bible curriculum will be studying the king of Israel.


Israel (Part 2)

Cole Dill  - Room 210

The Jewish people, the nation of Israel, are described in scripture to be God’s chosen people.  While we currently live in the age of the church, it is easy for us to lose sight of the fact that God still has plans for the nation of Israel.  In this class we will look at God’s relationship with Israel and the timeline of the Jews throughout scripture.  How did that nation start & what does God still have in store for them in the end times?  


Intro to Marriage Class

Bill Teater - Room 213

Are you single, engaged or recently married and want to understand marriage better?God invented marriage for the perpetuation and flourishing of mankind. If He is creator and author of it, He can bring success to it, IF we will submit to His plans for how to enter it, grow in it, and find purpose in it, so that we will prosper in it. Please join us to investigate the cultures pitfalls, and a biblical view of the design and purposes of marriage.

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120     ncfoffice@gmail.com

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