What is a Life Group? Consider this...the life of the church recorded in Acts 2:42-47 was the result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into the lives of a people united and committed to the mission of God (Matthew 28:18-20). The description we read about in Acts was not the means of becoming a great church, but the results of God working through people committed to Him and empowered by His Spirit to live out His mission.


A Life Group consists of believers who live out their lives as families and missionaries who live out the mission of God together in areas they live, and servants who demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways.



We believe "making disciples who make disciples" is more than just services, programs, or something we do only at church. Life Groups exist to equip one another to make disciples by living out the love of Christ intentionally in the ordinary, daily, routine moments of life, because of who we are in Christ. We do this by learning and teaching God's great story (His Word) and by teaching one another to apply and obey His Word to our individual lives. Being involved in the lives and community around us, we remind one another of God's truth and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit changing the way we think and live. We celebrate God's goodness together. We eat together. We bless one another. We take time together to rest, play and restore the beauty of God's creation in ways that reflect God and His salvation to those around us.


How do I get involved with a Life Group?

  • Click HERE to submit a Google Form to the office with your information
  • Call the church office at 309-925-5120
  • Fill out the information card at the welcome center and one of our leaders will connect you to a Life Group
  • Attend a Life Group with a friend



Life Group Trainings

In November we had a series of Life Group trainings. If you would like to watch those they are available online HERE. There are also note packets available from all sessions. If you are interested in getting one of those, contact the church office. 


DNA Groups

Weekly DNA Discussion Guide (edited with permission from www.saturatetheworld.com)


DNA Handout


Story of God Summary

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120     ncfoffice@gmail.com

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