Events Calendar

Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study

All ladies are welcome to join us on Tuesdawhen you pray image 1y mornings for Bible study.  This semester we will be doing a study called When You Pray by Lifeway Women.  This study looks at six different prayers found in the Bible, and there is a different teacher for each week.  The first meeting will be on January 16, with breakfast and fellowship startng at 9 am.  The study starts at 9:30 and lasts until 11:15.  Childcare is provided, but please sign up on the bulletin board ASAP so we can make sure we have enough babysitters.  Book cost is $25, which includes video access to watch or re-watch the videos on your own.  We want as many women as possible to participate, so if the cost is prohibitive for you, please talk to the office.  Sign up to attend on the bulletin board near the women's restroom.  


411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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