Events Calendar

Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study

How can we hold onto assurance of our faith?  How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us?  In these three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know & to live like they believe it.  And he reminds us, as well.  In this 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jen Wilkin helps you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation & to abide in the truth. 

Starting January 17, we’ll meet Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 9am (optional) & the study will begin at 9:30am in room 210.  Childcare is provided.  Books are $25; a sign-up is in the foyer or available HERE


Contact Tammie Judd with questions: 309-453-1959 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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