Events Calendar

Life Groups Training

Life Group is a term you hear from time to time in our sermons or see within our announcements. What is a Life Group? How is one formed? And how does it function or fit within NCFs larger ministry picture? These are all great questions but the ultimate question is how does it help us as disciples of Jesus to become more like Him? With that in mind we are taking Wednesday evenings to learn what Jesus’ baptism, call to follow Him, and command to make disciples teach us about Life Group. Come to be informed and get connected! Childcare will be provided.

Who should come - Every adult out of HS on up. Those in a LG, those wanting to be in a LG, those not in LG, those who are indifferent. We really encourage all to take advantage!

The Wednesday schedule:
Nov. 9th - Life Groups Teaching + Q & A 
Nov. 16th - Life Groups Discipleship + Q & A
Nov. 23rd - No Evening Program - enjoy Thanksgiving!!!
Nov. 30th - LIVE Life Groups Discipleship Modeling 
Dec. 7th - LIVE Life Groups Discipleship Modeling

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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