Events Calendar

Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." —Colossians 3:16a.  Many of us want God’s Word to dwell richly in us, but life can get in the way.  We’d never intentionally write chapters of confusion, failure, loss, pain, conflict, or suffering into our stories.  No one plans to wrestle with her identity in Christ, to struggle to love her husband, to feel lonely in ministry, or to feel helpless in motherhood.  Yet we often find ourselves in these seasons, struggling to embrace the gospel hope we need to fill our discouraged souls.

Join us for Truthfilled—a 7-session study of the book of Colossians—as Ruth Chou Simons leads us through a practice of preaching gospel truth to ourselves by studying Paul’s example.  In every changing season of life, we can rest in God’s character, rehearse our identity in Christ, respond in faith, and remember God’s provision for us.  In today’s culture, there’s no shortage of self help, easy fixes, and worldly advice, but only the truth of God’s Word was meant to fill you up and satisfy you fully.  Starting September 13 we’ll meet Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 9am (optional) and the study will begin at 9:30am.  Childcare is provided.  Books are $20; a sign-up is in the foyer. 

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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