Events Calendar

Women's Bible Study
Tuesday morning Women's Bible study now called "Hidden Treasure" will be starting soon!

Fall session: starts Tuesday, September 12th at 9am, with 10 weekly sessions

Open to all women; bring a friend! The topic for the fall study is called "Women of the Bible."  This study will      include small group time and minimal homework.

Women of the Bible is a study of God through the lives of fascinating women.  Weekly we will give our attention      to one woman, and as we move together through the    chronology of the Bible, we will connect them all             together.  The snapshots of these godly women will      open our eyes to a great view of God.

Sign up at women's ministry table at NCF or on the   church website. No cost!

Babysitting provided/sign up at the women’s ministry   table or call the church office (925-5120).

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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