Events Calendar

Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study

This semester, we are offering two different studies.  Both are on Tuesdays with breakfast & fellowship at 9 am and the study from 9:30-11am.  Babysitting will be provided.  Please sign up for both the study and babysitting in the foyer.


Luke: Gut-Level Compassion - Facilitated by Tammie Judd - $18

Luke studyLuke's gospel account is a literary masterpiece, but it doesn't celebrate the elite. Instead, it's like the biblical version of Shakespeare whose main characters are lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors who were absolutely stunned by the compassion Jesus extended toward them despite their cultural status as outcasts. This book proves that the pretense of perfection is overrated and certainly isn't a prerequisite for a relationship with God. All 24 chapters present real people in real need of a real Savior. And while not everyone will be saved, Luke reminds us that anyone can be saved!  In this 8 session video Bible study, Bible teacher Lisa Harper exposes the utter humanity and compassion of Jesus shared by Luke, defined consistently and overtly in the original Greek, splagnitzomai, otherwise known as "gut-level compassion." Dive deep into the well of perhaps the most common-man exposition of what a gift Jesus is in this new Beautiful Word Series study.




He’s Where The Joy Is - Facilitated by Laura Stuber - $20

hes where the joy is studyIt's hard to know a God we don't understand, and it's hard to love a God we don't know.  But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word.  Join Tara-Leigh Cobble in this 7-session study as she breaks down the intimidating doctrine of the Trinity.  You'll discover a beautiful, foundational view of our Triune God that will transform how you relate to Him. Understanding God's three-in-oneness and each of the Persons of God individually—Father, Son, and Spirit—will lead you to deeper intimacy with God and greater joy in knowing Him!  This study is formatted a little differently than our usual studies & includes lots of options for going deeper into the Word, which means lots of opportunity for growth!  Check out the sample book in the foyer and talk to Laura if you have any questions (309-369-8819).

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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