Events Calendar

Women's Bible Study (Tuesday morning)
Tuesday morning Women's Bible study now called "Hidden Treasure" will be starting again soon!

Spring session: The Tuesday morning study begins      January 16 at 9am, with 9 weekly sessions. The Wednesday evening study will begin in January, details to come. Below are the details for the Tuesday study:

Open to all women; bring a friend! The topic for the spring study is called "Sermon on the Mount" by Jen Wilkin  This study will include small group time & homework.

What does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven? The Sermon on the Mount articulates what the life of a Christ follower should look like, asking us the same questions it posed to its original hearers: How should a disciple relate to sin? To others? To the Law? How does a disciple think, speak, and act? In this 9-session study, examine the words of Jesus in-depth as He challenges us to think differently about repentance, salvation, and sanctification.

Sign up at women's ministry table at NCF or on the   church website. Cost for book is $13.Babysitting provided/sign up at the women’s ministry   table or call the church office (925-5120).

411 W. North Street, P.O. Box 1542, Tremont, IL 61568     (309) 925-5120

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